مناهج الجزائر

تعبير عن القصبة بالانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط

تعبير عن القصبة بالانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط

تعبير بسيط ومناسب عن القصبة (The Casbah) باللغة الإنجليزية، موجه لتلاميذ السنة الرابعة متوسط:

The Casbah

The Casbah is a very old and beautiful place. It is usually found in Algerian cities, especially in Algiers, the capital. The Casbah is like a small city inside a city.

The Casbah has narrow streets, old houses, markets, and mosques. People in the Casbah are very kind and friendly. They live in traditional houses with white walls and blue windows.

When you walk in the Casbah, you can see shops that sell handmade crafts, clothes, jewelry, and delicious food. You can also hear people talking and children playing.

The Casbah is important because it shows the history and culture of Algeria. It is a place where we can learn about our traditions and heritage.

We must protect the Casbah and keep it clean because it is a part of our identity.

Important words (كلمات مهمة): تعبير عن القصبة بالانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط

  • Casbah: القصبة
  • Streets: شوارع
  • Houses: بيوت
  • History: تاريخ
  • Culture: ثقافة
  • Traditions: تقاليد
  • Heritage: تراث

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